Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Four months!!

So it's four months until our wedding!!! YAY!! I have our venue booked, our caterer booked, my dress is coming in a few weeks, the brides maids dresses should be in soon, we're going tux looking in the next week and Frances and I are coming up with AMAZING floral ideas.

Sometimes I step back from all the surreal planning and it still amazes me that Im marrying James. We were only 16 when we met, how many people these days can say they met their soul mate at 16? I've also been reading those Twilight books, the last one Eclipse.... The way Bella talks about her love and passion for Edward, I can completaly understand. My love for Jmaes is just as strong as Her's is to Edward. Sometimes I think it's even more, beacuse I also feel the love she has for Jacob in my live for James. I still can't believe how lucky I am to be marrying the one person that's absolutely perfect for me....