Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Blogging Challenge Day 3 (I've been busy at work so I'm doing several days in one day...)


There's a phase in most peoples life where they decide their stance on drugs and alcohol.  Some have a solid defined stance, and some know what they want to have a stance on but still have a hard time standing for it.  I know many people who have a hard no zero tolerance policy for both drugs and alcohol.  Their lives have been so affected by these two substances that they can't even imagine using either one.  Others have been so consumed and wrapped up in one of both of those worlds they either don't see the bad in overindulging, or by the help of rehab stay far away from it.

I think I was raised by a mother who helped me understand the affect of both of these substances enough that I never had to dive in deep to either one.  I drink.  I enjoy drinking!  I love having a glass of red wine when ever I can.  I enjoy margarita's and especially whiskey sours. I was taught that if I were to drink to make sure I drink responsibly.  I would drink with people I knew and not complete strangers.  I have indulged more then I should have a few times, I will admit.  Out of celebration I didn't pay attention to my own limits and went too far.  I surrounded myself with people who cared about me and were great to take care of me when I needed it, just as I have done for many of my friends.  I know that not many people can understand, or control their limits.  I know some of these people personally.  I don't think though that everyone should be controlled so tightly because of these few individuals.  The liquor laws in Utah are so ridiculous at times we might as well be a dry state.  It would almost make more sense to be a dry state rather then having to deal with all the run around and stupidity set upon us by the government.  If someone wants to drink they WILL find a way to drink, limiting them will only make them drink in a more irresponsible manner.

Which now brings us to drugs.  I have smoked pot.  Several times.  I see nothing wrong with pot.  It's relaxing and at times, can be fun.  Again this is all with discretion.  I think Marijuana should be legal.  I think it should be monitored and distributed like alcohol is.  Petty crime rates go down when Marijuana is legalized.  Prescription drug use goes down...  I don't believe in Marijuana being a "gateway drug"  I think it's only that if you let it be that.  I think it's the people you surround yourself with while smoking pot that could introduce you to worse drugs.  It's peoples inclination towards drugs that will decide if they will want a "better" high.  I do not think it's pot its self that gives you a taste for the high.  Marijuana is the ONLY drug I feel this way about.  I do not think there is any other drug out there that should be legal. They are all chemically made and enhanced. I hear of so many more people spiraling down and ODing on every other drug out there.

I'm not saying I think we should all be doped up all the time.  Or that I think taking advantage of and abusing either drugs or alcohol is good.  I think that if we educate and monitor both of these we may see more positive outcomes then we do negative.

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