OK I'm going to try and be a much better blogger this year. So here's what's been going on in our life so far.
Work has been extremely busy lately. The shop has had a lot of work come in and he's been going in early and staying late. As much as it sucks not seeing him, paying our bills feels much better. He has been dealing with clients more and more which is just another step closer to taking over the whole thing. We think that we are finally going to be able to remodel our bathroom. With all the Home Depot gift cards we got for Christmas we can finally get it done. I can't wait. I will post pictures of before and after once it gets taken care of.
James is also excited because he got World of Warcraft: Cataclysm for Christmas. He's already up to level 85 and is raiding with his friends like crazy. I myself have a character started, and it's a lot more fun then I thought it would be. James is really good at playing only when I'm at work, or have something else to do. Other then that it's all about family time.
Well I finally did it, I quit Roadhouse. It was hard, and very sad for me but it was something I had to do. I wasn't getting the respect or the opportunities I deserved there so it was time to say goodbye. I found a great part time job though. Working at the Gold's Gym Daycare! I get to bring Ellie with me and spend time with her and I don't have to pay for it in any way. I love it so much!!! I'm just waiting for the right time though and I'm going to go to the Elase Academy school and learn to be a medical esthetician. I'm shooting for this summer!
She's 9 months now and she seems so grown up!! She stands on her own and is even starting to take steps. She just seems too young to start walking, I just got use to chasing after her crawling everywhere! She's not a huge fan of baby food, she would much rather eat whatever we are eating. She has also started waving bye-bye to everyone. It's so cute even on movies if they say goodbye or anything she starts waving to them. She was very very spoiled during Christmas. I guess that's just what happens when you're the only grandchild on one whole side of your family. She got cute clothes and lots of toys. I feel extremely lucky because we haven't had to go to the doctor or hospital at all, except to get her normal check up. She's extremely healthy and I think she got that from James. All in all it's a complete joy to have her in my life.
King's and Butlers:
Mom and Jim went to Italy again for New Year's Eve. This is the second time they've gone and I swear if it weren't' for Elle I think they would move there. They also went and saw the Green Day Musical in NY 6 different times, oh wait maybe it was 8... Either way, they are really living up their time together these days.
Alexis is now working with Starbucks. He location of Lone Star closed and she decided to just move on with a different company. She seems to like it so far, and since she's a coffee fiend I think this will work very well.
Annika is working in the fraud department at Wells Fargo and likes that quit a lot. She's been dating Adam for over a year now and I'm just waiting for the day she comes home with a ring on her finger. But for now they are moving in with each other at least.
Steve and Sheri have been very busy with the refugee's. Steve is still the President of the Karen branch, and Sheri is just as involved as if she were president too.
Mike is in Afghanistan... we all miss him like crazy but at least we know he's coming home to visit this month for 2 weeks. Then we won't see him until he comes home again in September. Hayden will be baptized this month when Mike gets home. Hailee is cute and calls Mike on her cell phone all the time.
Dawna and he family are always so busy I don't know what exactly is going on with them. Tahnie is due February 18th and she's having a little girl. The adoptive family named her some unique B name that's really cute I just can't remember. She seems good though, having trouble sleeping but she's still very active in school.
Caroline is still in North Carolina. The girls seem to be doing really well, Natalie and Katy are in school so Caroline only has Lauren and Summer at home with her.
Teresa came out to visit right after Christmas and it was soooo great to see her! She brought baby Glenn and he is just adorable! Elle absolutely adored him. I wish he lived in Utah so they could play more. She and Big Glenn are busy with their sign company and seem to be doing really well.
So that's the quick over all of what's been going on lately. I will add pictures later, and maybe even a video!!