OK I'm starting off with a disclaimer... I know a lot of the people who look at this blog are conservative, very right wing republican feeling. Well if you know me you know I am NOT!! So if you're going to read this blog and judge me, and leave a comment being rude I'd much rather you just stop reading now. But if you'd like to prove you're not as ignorant as many people in this nation are go a head and read on, and have an open mind and heart.
So in California, Proposition 8 passed...barely. For those of you who are too busy to know what Proposition 8 is it's a bill that would BAN gay marriage in California, even after it was already passed. That's like telling a child he can have cake before dinner, give him a bite then saying never mind here's your broccoli. This country was based on equal rights to all men and women. This bill is targeting a specific group of people, it's going against human rights.
For those of you sitting there saying God said marriage should be between a woman and a man, well God has no say in this matter. That's why we have separation between church and state!!! Marriage is a legal matter now, you can't go in front of a priest, or a bishop or a minister and go through a ceremony and have all the benefits of a married couple. You have to go to the state and get a license, if you don't believe gays are married in the eyes of God after that, then that's your deal, to you they aren't married, but who are we to revoke that right from them? It also pisses me off that people say gay marriage is making a mockery of heterosexual marriages. Well obviously your marriage isn't very good if SOMEONE ELSE'S marriage is ruining yours. Whether they are gay or straight no one can ruin the sanctity of your marriage except you.
I mean how would you feel if you just got married to the one person you've ever felt clost to, you've felt like your true self with, someone who's seen you at your best and worse and still loves you, and then someone comes in and says that's not allowed. You can't be with that person, you are shameful in God's eyes?? I don't know about you, but the Jesus Christ I know and love, accepted everyone, and loved everyone as his children. I'm not saying you have to think the same as me, but how can you say you're Christ like when you sit and judge others for how they live? And I know you'll just bible bash back at me and tell me scriptures and passages that show Christ didn't' agree with Gay's, but also homosexual practices were very common in that day and age, with Kings, princes, soldiers, and even religious leaders (please don't take that as me saying Jesus was gay it's a general reference).
And it's honestly time to wake up people. The GAYS AIN'T GOIN' ANY WHERE!!!! The are here and they are proud, and they are people too. Closing your eyes and ignoring them isnt' going to make them go away. Why are you denying their right as human beings!?!? The right to visit their loved ones in the hospital after a terrible accident, or if they are battling cancer, the right to executor of their lovers will, how does them receiving these basic human rights hurt you???
I have many friends and family that I care so deeply about that this proposition hurts. I know many of you are in Utah and don't have a say in what happened with this proposition, but it would be so nice if you stopped spreading the hate. Worry about yourself and not others, I thought we all graduated??