So yesterday was the 3 month mark until our wedding. I'm so freakin excited. My sister and I went to a Bridal show at La Caille this weekend. I bought James' ring. It's soooo nice It's black with a comfort fit, and has a slight ridge on the front. I love it. It's not like the black rings that have been out. Those were usualy Tungsten with a black coating, so it they got scratched you'd see silver under it. But this black ring is black through and through, only a handful of stores in the nation carry this new metal. And I got a great deal on it!! We have to get a smaller size for him though, because I wasn't sure what one he wore, but they said I could come in anytime to exchange sizes.
So the fourth of July was like... a month ago I know. But it is seriously one of my FAVORITE holidays. For YEARS, and I mean years.... We've gone to Sugar House park to watch the fireworks. We have a huge camp that we put up. We get there early morning and stay till late at night. Anyone and everyone is invited. Family, Friends that are practicaly family, friend friends, friends OF friends.... literaly everyone.... So I just thought I'd post a few pictures of it.